The Cascade Bouquet

The Cascade Bouquet

The Cascade Bouquet

Cascade bouquets are always so pretty with just about any style of wedding dress. We like to create elegant yet flowy, romantic, modern styled cascading bouquets.

Styling: garden inspired, classic , feminine, romantic, elegant.

Color Palette: white, off white, cream, with greenery accents.

Blooms: roses, ranunculus, stock, lisianthus, delphinium, accent flowers, assorted foliages, .*

**flower varieties will vary depending upon the season and availability*

*price shown is for one bouquet

*online orders will be reviewed once received.  You will be contacted with a confirmation that we are able to fulfill your order as requested

*online order available for pick up only

*orders must be placed 10 days prior to pick up date

*pick up your order 9am-12pm
