Terrace Garden Bouquet

Terrace Garden Bouquet

Terrace Garden Bouquet

A beautiful hand-tied bouquet with a slight cascade of flowers and vines.  This is the perfect bouquet for the bride who loves a soft, romantic, garden vibe with some soft shades of color.   

Styling: garden inspired, feminine, romantic, elegant.

Color Palette: white, off white, cream, light blue, peach, champagne, blush, lilac, with greenery accents.

Blooms: anemones, garden roses, tea roses, ranunculus, stock, lisianthus, hydrangea, astrantia,  delphinium, accent flowers, assorted foliages, .*

**flower varieties will vary depending upon the season and availability*

*price shown is for one bouquet

*online orders will be reviewed once received.  You will be contacted with a confirmation that we are able to fulfill your order as requested

*online order available for pick up only

*orders must be placed 10 days prior to pick up date

*pick up your order 9am-12pm
